Hug at Midnight  (1981)
捞 表篮 广狼 器克
Starring: Gil Yong-Woo, Lee Mi-Sook(a), Kang Tae-Gi
Director:Song Yeong-Su
Production:Samyoung Films
Country:South Korea

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About Hug at Midnight
Kim Young-Hu is absent from college temporarily and works as a guard at a construction site. When he visits his friend, who attends medical college to be majored in obstetrics and gynecology, he becomes acquainted with a female pick pocket. She makes fun of his foolish and good attitude and cheats him. He is hypnotized to be sold as a man who entertains a leisure lady, and barely escapes. He gets married to a woman. But she is brought to hooligan, while he is beaten at their hideout. She was a call girl, and gives birth to a baby whose father is not identified, and then dies shortly. He makes her corpse burnt to ashes and then sprays the ashes in the river weeping with tears. One day, he makes appearance at the college carrying a baby on his back.